What & Why – Alive & Great
Alive and Great Life What & Why?
Alive and great is a state of mind that comes with knowing and trusting yourself. Feeling alive and great is connection to yourself and with that connection you can do great things. When you tap into yourself no matter what is going on in your life, no matter the size of the problem you know that you can find a way through.
It took me years to find my Alive and Great. When I was younger I often felt unsure when making decisions and as I got older the decisions became more and more complex. It felt like more was on the line and I lacked the self confidence and trust in my own judgement necessary to move forward. I wanted so much more from my life but had no clue how to get it. Everything felt so big and overwhelming and I would crippled myself with the “what ifs”. What if I cannot afford my house payment? What if I change jobs and it is worse, What if I fail, What if it does not work out and I waste money?
One night I had a dream where a little yellow chick wearing a top hat jumped into the palm of my hand and asked “what happened to your alive and great?” This dream changed my life. That morning I asked myself that question out loud and I had no answer. I could not even think of the last time I felt alive and great!! Waking up from that dream was like waking up my entire life. It took some time to learn how to connect back into myself and listen to my own voice and how it was guiding me.