Q & A
Alive and Great Life Questions & Answers
What is the difference between coaching and consulting?
Coaching relies primarily on the client being the expert and the coach aids the client to self discovery by relying on inquiry and active listening. A consultative approach is more direct guidance and expert advice. A consultant analyzes the issue at hand and provides recommendations on how move forward bases on industry best practice.
Why do you use both consulting and coaching?
I have found that when working with individuals who are seeking change it is best to be flexible. Coaching works in most cases however there are times when individuals want more direct guidance. If there is an acute issue or emergent problem often times consulting is necessary to get things back into perspective and then using coaching to move forward.
How do I know if this is right for me?
If you want to meet your goals, live with passion and purpose, thrive in life and business, move beyond fears, and access your inner gifts. If you are ready to show up at the table and do the work, then this is right for you.
How long does coaching take?
The amount of time varies depending on the person and what is being worked on. I have found that an investment of 3 sessions is generally sufficient. I have clients who I see regular and others that come back on a more ad-hoc basis.